Hi! Thank you for joining me. Please allow me to explain some things about the JW Guitar Tabs category. This won’t take long, I hope.
JW simply means “Jehovah’s Witnesses.” I named this category JW Guitar Tabs because I make guitar tabs for all musical compositions of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and I post them right here on my blog. These compositions can be found and downloaded for free on jw.org/en.
These are “critical times hard to deal with,” especially now that we have an ongoing pandemic. That’s why these compositions—that give praise to Jehovah God, that build up and that strengthen our faith, and that remind us of our loving brothers from around the world—are essential to us right now.
If you’re going to ask me how I feel when I hear these songs, I’ll tell you that no words can delineate1to describe, portray, or set forth with accuracy or in detail my feelings when I hear them. So I’ll just invite you to visit jw.org/en and listen to them yourself. And, if you want to, tell us how you felt when you heard these songs in the Comments section below.
There are three subcategories under the JW Guitar Tabs head category. First is the Kingdom Songs (tabs). Second is the Original Songs (tabs). And third is the Children’s Original Songs (tabs).
About JW Guitar Tabs—Kingdom Songs
Kingdom songs are already part of our worship to Jehovah since the very first Christian meeting of His witnesses, and it is still part of it until now. Singing these songs at the weekly meetings gives us joy. But I’m not satisfied with that—I want to do more than just sing them twice a week.
“I’d also want to hear these fascinating pieces on my guitar,” I thought.
When this idea came to my mind, I was making tablatures for my favorite Kingdom songs only, the ones that I really liked only. So there was no real structure to this project of mine since I just pick whichever I’d like to play.
And, at the time, I was just writing them all down in my school notebook. Until one day, unfortunately, I couldn’t find it anymore. But I didn’t worry since I only got about ten songs in there. I memorized all of them anyway, so it was totally fine.
Nonetheless, I want to make guitar tabs for the other Kingdom songs too. And I couldn’t possibly memorize the tabs for a hundred and fifty songs (by finger and ear memory by the way)! So I’ve decided to type them all down on Keep and having them in there was a great help to me. And I continued on making guitar tabs ever since.
Every week, I post the tablatures here on my blog. I really appreciate you guys for trying these out on your instrument and I also thank you for being very supportive on my posts. I’ll never forget it.
Your genuine support inspires me to continue on making guitar tabs for all our Kingdom songs. Just note that I will post them all consecutively2in a consecutive manner : with each following the other without interruption : with consecutive numbers or in consecutive occurrences, a tablature at a time.
About JW Guitar Tabs—Original Songs
We always listen to these songs at the meetings, in the car, at our gatherings, and while we do our house chores.
Inspired by the comments I get for publishing posts from Kingdom Songs (tabs), I now make guitar tabs for our Original Songs, too. Again, thank you for that!
Like the Kingdom Songs (tabs) subcategory, I intend to make guitar tabs from the first Original songs, like The Best Life Ever, up to the latest releases.
Children’s Original Songs
This set of original songs are dedicated to children. However, as you might have observed, not just children around the globe enjoy listening to these songs. Teenagers and adults love these songs, too. Moreover, children outside the congregation also find these songs delightful!
But what makes these sets of songs so stunning, that even teenagers (like myself) and adults listen to them? When it comes to the message of the songs, I think every parent in the world should play them in the hearing of their child(ren) because it teaches their little ones to obey and love their parents, and most importantly, to obey, love, and follow Jehovah God’s high standards while their still young.
I really love these children’s original songs, I really do! We always play these songs to my baby sister and, with no surprise, she enjoys them, too.
But you’ll notice that the only children’s original songs I’ve made guitar tabs for so far is just for the song This is My Family. That’s because I’ve decided to focus more on our Kingdom songs and the Original songs at the moment. When the right time comes, I’ll also make guitar tabs for these songs.
Whew! I think that took a little longer! But if you made it through here to the very bottom, I thank you very much for reading all of that with endurance! Again, I really appreciate you guys for coming here today. I hope I get to see you next time. Enjoy playing these tablatures on your guitar, and have a nice day!