Previous Lesson: Lesson 34: How to Create the Blogs Model in Django

There will be no coding involved in this lesson. However, it is important to know the difference between Back-End vs Front-End development.

Note: This is Lesson 35 of Learn Django. I didn’t put the Lesson 35 because this is in the ‘Did you know?‘ category too. So don’t skip!

Back-End Development

Image result for back-end development

This side of the development makes the front-end side possible. The back-end side of a website consists of the servers, applications, and databases. A back-end developer builds and maintains the technology that powers those components which, together, enable the user-facing side of the website to even exist in the first place.

So what programming language (or framework) example can be used for the back-end development? Django. Python‘s also a language for the back-end development. Using both of these will manage the URLs, the server, the database.

Front-End Development

Image result for front-end development

The front-end of a website is the part that users interact with. Furthermore, this side is everything that you see when you’re navigating around the Internet. Example, a website’s use of fonts and colors (by CSS). Also, the dropdown menus and sliders (by JavaScript) on a website is part of the front-end development.

Additionally, this side of the development doesn’t care about the URLs, servers, and other things that the back-end side takes care of.

In the basics for front-end developing, developers use HTML, CSS and JavaScript. If you don’t have any experience using HTML, don’t worry because I’ll show you some tricks while working out on our portfolio website project. And, if you don’t have any experience using Javascript, you don’t have to learn it for now, especially JavaScript.

We are not using JS for this course. But it’s still your choice if you want to learn this right now. Although I suggest that you should focus and follow along what I am teaching you in this course. Trust me, it’s better that way and I know because I did the same.

Concerning CSS, we are not gonna hardcode our portfolio website’s layout and style using CSS only. Bootstrap will help us with this one. It is a popular front-end component library of CSS’s. And using this library will help us a lot and will save a lot of time.

Full-Stack Development

Image result for full-stack development

So “back-end vs front-end development”–which of these two ends or sides will you choose? Will it be the back-end or the front-end?

Well, unfortunately, we will not be choosing between the two because in this course (only), we’re gonna take care of both! So, what do you call a developer that works on both sides of a project development? A full-stack developer.

But, at the end, you can always choose between the two–whether you want to be a back-end developer, or a front-end developer, or a full-stack developer (like me).

Learn More!

As what’s said at the first part of this lesson, this is lesson 35 of Learn Django. If you want to learn Python, you can click on this lesson: Lesson 4. Printing Strings and Variables in Python

But if you’ve already learned Python from the basics and you’re moving on to Django, you can start on this lesson: Lesson 3: Introduction to Our Word Counter Django Website

(Note: These lessons are for those who haven’t been in the said lessons yet. But for those who have been at Lesson 34, continue to the next lesson. We’ll develop our homepage.)

Next Lesson: Lesson 36: How to Create Pages in Django

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