Previous Song: Song 75: “Here I Am! Send Me!” (Guitar Tabs)

Note: You can listen, download the official audio, and check the chords for this Kingdom Song on Please refer to the notes in the music sheet as you play Song 76: How Does It Make You Feel (Guitar Tabs) on your guitar with the following set of tabs.

(n) – ghost/optional note(s)


song 76 guitar tabs tabset
song 76 guitar tabs tabset
song 76 guitar tabs tabset
song 76 guitar tabs tabset
song 76 guitar tabs tabset
song 76 guitar tabs tabset

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Do you enjoy playing Song 76: How Does It Make You Feel (Guitar Tabs) on your guitar? If so, please don’t forget to share this page with your family and friends! You may use this link (it’s this page’s URL link) to share it with them. I’m sure they’re going to love and also enjoy playing this song as much as you do!


So this Kingdom Song has the Scripture theme: Hebrews 13:15: “Through him let us always offer to God a sacrifice of praise, that is, the fruit of our lips that make public declaration to his name.”

Additionally, this Kingdom Song also has other theme Scriptures:

  • Acts 13:48: “When those of the nations heard this, they began to rejoice and to glorify the word of Jehovah, and all those who were rightly disposed for everlasting life became believers.”
  • 1 Thessalonians 2:4: “But just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the good news, so we speak to please, not men, but God, who examines our hearts.”
  • 1 Timothy 1:11: “According to the glorious good news of the happy God, with which I was entrusted.”

Next Song: Song 77: Light in a Darkened World (Guitar Tabs)

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