Track your calorie intake with this web app! I’m also growing heavier because of this pandemic, so I’m sure this app would be really helpful for you, too 🙂

WeatherJS Web App and Widget
Know the current weather, humidity, pressure, temperature, and wind speed in your city with this cute weather widget!

Github Finder—Search GitHub Users (Web App API)
Peek GitHub user’s profiles, number of repos, number of gists, number of followers, number of following, user’s full name, company name, website/blog, location, membership date, their latest repos, each repo’s number of stars, watchers, and forks.

Booklist—Add Your Books’ Titles, the Author’s Name, & ISBN#
A web app where you can add your books to the list. I made 2 versions for this project: one for ES5 (prototypes) and another for ES6 (classes). This has also been my practice for Object-Oriented Programming in Vanilla JavaScript.

Loan Calculator—The Web App That’ll Help You Save Money and Time
Save time calculating your monthly payment, your total loan payment, and the total interest you have to pay using this loan calculator.

Task List—A Simple Web App/Widget
A simple web app where you can add, delete, clear, and filter your tasks. Built with local storage so your tasks won’t get lost on page refresh and you can get back to it anytime. This can also be used as a widget for bigger applications.