Note: You can listen, download the official audio, and check the chords for this Original Song on Please refer to the notes in the music sheet as you play Never Alone on your guitar with the following set of tabs.

Please check out the other guitar tabs available here: JW Guitar Tabs

Never Alone Guitar Tabs tabset
Never Alone Guitar Tabs tabset
Never Alone Guitar Tabs tabset
Never Alone Guitar Tabs tabset
Never Alone Guitar Tabs tabset

Lyrics for Never Alone Guitar Tabs

1.Abandoned and betrayed,

Forsaken and alone,

Despair my one companion,

My heart within me like a stone.

With no one here for me,

No kindly word of care,

Who’ll offer consolation?

My heavy burden, who can share?


I’m not alone;

I never was.

I’ll never be,

And all because

Jehovah knows;

Jehovah sees.

He hears my prayer;

He’s here with me.

Whatever comes my way,

I’m never alone.

2.Whatever I may lose

By sticking close to you,

No matter who may fail me,

I know you’ll never be untrue.

You’re close to me, O God,

And never far away.

My faith, my hope, reliance​—

I know you never will betray.


I’m not alone;

I never was.

I’ll never be,

And all because

Jehovah knows;

Jehovah sees.

He hears my prayer;

He’s here with me.

Whatever comes my way,

I’m never alone;

I never was.

I’ll never be,

And all because

Jehovah knows;

Jehovah sees.

He hears my prayer;

He’s here with me.

Whatever comes my way,

I’m never alone.

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