Previous Song: Song 136: “A Perfect Wage” From Jehovah (Guitar Tabs)

Note: You can listen, download the official audio, and check the chords for this Kingdom Song on Please refer to the notes in the music sheet as you play Song 137: Faithful Women, Christian Sisters on your guitar with the following set of tabs.

Repeat 3x

song 137 guitar tabs tabset
song 137 guitar tabs tabset
song 137 guitar tabs tabset
song 137 guitar tabs tabset
song 137 guitar tabs tabset
song 137 guitar tabs tabset

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Do you enjoy playing Song 137: Faithful Women, Christian Sisters (Guitar Tabs) on your guitar? If so, please don’t forget to share this page with your family and friends! You may use this link (it’s this page’s URL link) to share it with them. I’m sure they’re going to love and also enjoy playing this song as much as you do!


So this Kingdom Song has the Scripture theme: Romans 16:2: “So that you may welcome her in the Lord in a way worthy of the holy ones and give her whatever help she may need, for she herself also proved to be a defender of many, including me.”

Additionally, this Kingdom Song also has other theme Scriptures:

  • Philippians 4:3: “Yes, I request you also, as a true fellow worker, to keep assisting these women who have striven side by side with me for the good news, along with Clement as well as the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the book of life.”
  • 1 Timothy 2:9, 10: “Likewise, the women should adorn themselves in appropriate dress, with modesty and soundness of mind, not with styles of hair braiding and gold or pearls or very expensive clothing, but in the way that is proper for women professing devotion to God, namely, through good works.”
  • 1 Peter 3:4, 5: “But let it be the secret person of the heart in the incorruptible adornment of the quiet and mild spirit, which is of great value in the eyes of God. For this is how the holy women of the past who hoped in God used to adorn themselves, subjecting themselves to their husbands.”

Next Song: Song 138: Beauty in Gray-Headedness (Guitar Tabs)

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