Previous Lesson: Lesson 22: GitIgnore

In this lesson, you’ll learn how to create apps in our Django portfolio website. We’re gonna create one for our blog, and one for our hobbies.

When creating a Django website, like our portfolio website, we can include some apps. What are some examples of apps that some famous websites have?

  • A user system (sign-ins and sign-ups);
  • some calendar (a scheduling system);
  • a portfolio and;
  • a blog;

Let’s make our apps! But before doing that, there’s something that we gotta do first.

Determine Apps

Right now, we need to determine the apps we want to include:

So, in my sketch, I wanted to make an app for my blog and for my hobbies. Okay.


Now, let’s create these apps in Django! Open up the Terminal:

First of all, let’s create an app for our blog.


To do that, we’ll type python startapp (DO NOT ENTER YET!):

Before hitting ENTER, we’ll give our new app a name first, which is blog:

Okay now hit ENTER:

Good. Nothing happens here on our Terminal. But, if we look here:

We have a new app called blog! Then, it’s time to create the second app.


Same commands, do the python3 startapp:

And then we give it the name hobby:

Afterwards, hit ENTER:

If we look here for the second time:

Yay! There’s are for each of our apps. Later, we’ll put some code in those files. Also, we needed to add for both of these apps. But first, I suggest we commit these changes to GitHub. Remember how to do this?

Enter a short commit message:

Click on that check symbol:

In this lesson, you're gonna learn how to create your own apps inside our port

Tip: It important for you to know that we should not do commits on every move we do. Instead, we just do a commit whenever we have something that is worth to commit.


I am so sorry. I just realized just now that we should include a projects app because if we look back to my sketch:

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is wp-1583300129861-508607478-1024x736.jpg

Yeah, I have it right there below the Hobbies. So now, let’s create an app for this one, too:

UP arrow:

Remember that shortcut? Now let’s delete that hobby:

And we’ll replace it with projects:


Look here:

Yes! Let’s commit:

Add a commit message:

Finally, click on that check symbol at the top:

Nice. Now it’s time to create for each of these apps.


Finally, we’ll add for each one of our apps:

For our blog app:


And for our hobby app:



Lastly, for our projects app:



Good. Now we have for every app we have:

Let’s commit this to GitHub:

Add a commit message:

Finally, hit that check symbol:

Add Contents on

Now let’s add something on each and every one of our

Just like what we had on our first Django website’s, (just without the comments), we’ll do this on our blog‘s

We’ll also do the same for our hobby‘s

We’ll also do the same for our projects‘s

Let’s commit these changes:

Add a commit message:

Finally, click on that check symbol:

Well done! I know we have done a lot of commits lately. On the next lesson, we’ll make use of our GitHub Desktop! See you there!

Next Lesson: Lesson 24: How to Use Your GitHub Desktop

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