Previous Song: Song 154: Unfailing Love (Guitar Tabs)
This is the guitar tabs for our new Kingdom song, Song 155: Our Joy Eternally. This new Kingdom song is available for listening and download here, where you can also refer to the lyrics and chords for this song. Like other guitar tabs on this website, I kept this as simple as possible. Enjoy!
See also: Our Joy Eternally (Guitar Tabs)
p – pull-off

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This Kingdom Song was released in our 2020 Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses, having the theme, “Always Rejoice”! So, it was formerly one of our Original Songs. In fact, you can also see the Our Joy Eternally (Guitar Tabs), the Original Song version of guitar tabs (which is exactly the same by the way), on this page. But from April 1, 2024, it has become one of our Kingdom Songs!
In these “critical times hard to deal with”, true joy might seem hard to find, but it is not. 2020’s virtual and also a historic convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses—“Always Rejoice”!—taught us that we can rejoice at all times, even in critical and extreme conditions.
But this true joy is not dependent on the things happening around us, but, rather, it depends on our relationship with Jehovah God. We have countless reasons for rejoicing. Yes indeed, our true Source of joy is and will always be Jehovah God. (Nehemiah 8:10) That is the message of this beautiful new Kingdom song.
This new Kingdom Song has the following theme Scripture:
Psalm 16:11: “You make known to me the path of life. In your presence is abundant joy; There is happiness at your right hand forever.”