Now that you’ve finished Learn Python, what will we be expecting from this new section? Let me give you an introduction to our word counter Django website.

Lesson 4. Printing Strings and Variables in Python
Learn about strings and variables in Python. We’ll be printing strings, we’ll assign values to variables, and finally, we’ll print these values.

Lesson 5. Variables Inside Strings in Python
Is that even possible? In this lesson, we’ll discuss the different ways for printing values out our variables (inside stings) using formatting.

Lesson 6. If Elif Else Statements In Python
Learn simple conditionals which includes if, elif, and else statements in Python. Know what “elif” is. Also know why they are powerful to use in our code.

Lesson 7. Operators and Delimiters in Python
Operators and delimiters in Python play an essential part in coding. In this lesson, we’ll see what many of them can do and how we’ll use each one of them.

Lesson 8. Commenting In Python
In this lesson, we’ll make comments about commenting using the hashtag and quotes. Coding with comments will help you understand your code quickly.

Lesson 9. Functions in Python and Their Significance
What are you going to do to avoid typing the exact same code lines? Ever heard of functions in Python and their significance to our code? You’ll about to learn it!

Lesson 10. Functions with Parameters and Arguments in Python
We’ll be making things more interesting in this lesson. ‘Cause we’ll be creating functions with parameters and arguments in Python.
Lesson 11. Escape Sequences in Python
What are escape sequences in Python and what are they escaping from? Why do we need them anyway? You’ll find out once you’ve finished this lesson!

Lesson 12. In, Not In, and Operators on Lists in Python
In this lesson, we’ll talk about lists in Python. You’ll know how you can apply and use in and not in and operators on lists in Python.