In this lesson, you’ll know why we need a virtual environment for our projects. You’ll also know how to install and activate it on your own computer!

Lesson 18: Sketching Our Portfolio Website in Django
Have a sketch of your website right now! Why? Find out on this lesson!

Lesson 17: Introduction to Our Portfolio Django Website
Can’t wait to get started!

Lesson 16: Create a New Page in Django!
In the previous lesson, I gave you an assignment or, so to say, a challenge. And, in this lesson, I will create a new page in Django, step-by-step, for you!

Lesson 15: Create a New Page in Django
This lesson’s another homework, or challenge you could say. Which means, you will do this on your own. You’re going to create a new page in Django! And this page is an ABOUT ME page.

Lesson 14: Add Link Using the Anchor Tags
Our website is great! But not that great because we have something missing. In this lesson, you’ll know how to add a link using the anchor tags!

Lesson 13: Get the Keyword Density Using Django
In the previous lesson, we were able to count the words in our text. But in this lesson, we’ll get the keyword density of our text using Django.

Lesson 12: Let’s Count the User’s Text Using Django!
Finally, we’re now gonna count the user’s text using Django! Of course, we’ll need to do something in our code to accomplish that.

Lesson 11: Display the User’s Text Using Django
In the previous lesson, we were able to enter in some text in our text box. But in this lesson, we’ll display the user’s text using Django.

Lesson 10: HTML Forms for Django
In this lesson, we’re going to create a box where our user can put some text for the counting. And we’ll do that using HTML ‘forms’ for Django.