Finally finished learning Node.js in this course on Udemy! This course has a total of 11 sections, 76 lectures, and a total duration length of 12 hours and 3 minutes. I followed along with my teacher until the course finished.

Other Certificates
- Modern JavaScript From The Beginning—CERTIFICATE
- ReactJS Front to Back—CERTIFICATE
- CSS – The Complete Guide 2021 (incl. Flexbox, Grid & Sass)—CERTIFICATE
- MERN eCommerce From Scratch—CERTIFICATE
There is only one BIG project in this course.
Name: Devcamper project
Description: A publisher can create a bootcamp and inside the bootcamp, courses. A registered user can join a bootcamp and buy a course in that bootcamp. This is just the API or back-end side of this project. No user interface.
Course Description
This is a project based course where we build an extensive, in-depth backend API for DevCamper, a bootcamp directory app. We will start from scratch and end up with a professional deployed API with documentation. We will dive deep into Node, Express and MongoDB. Here are some of what you will learn in this course and project:
- HTTP Essentials
- Postman Client
- RESTful APIs
- Express Framework
- Routing & Controller Methods
- MongoDB Atlas & Compass
- Mongoose ODM
- Advanced Query (Pagination, filter, etc)
- Models & Relationships
- Middleware (Express & Mongoose)
- MongoDB Geospatial Index / GeoJSON
- Geocoding
- Custom Error Handling
- User Roles & Permissions
- Aggregation
- Photo Upload
- Authentication With JWT & Cookies
- Emailing Password Reset Tokens
- Custom Database Seeder Using JSON Files
- Password & Token Hashing
- Security: NoSQL Injection, XSS, etc
- Creating Documentation
- Deployment With PM2, NGINX, SSL
What you’ll learn
- Real World Backend RESTful API For Bootcamp Directory App
- HTTP Fundamentals (Req/Res Cycle, Status Codes, etc)
- Advanced Mongoose Queries
- JWT/Cookie Authentication
- Express & Mongoose Middleware (Geocoding, Auth, Error Handling, etc)
- API Security (NoSQL injection, XSS protection, Rate Limiting)
- API Documentation & Deployment
Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?
- Modern JavaScript (ES6)
- Basic programming principles
- Basic knowledge of Node helps
Who this course is for:
- People that want to learn backend web development with Node
- React/Vue/Angular Frontend devs that want to be full stack devs